5 Day Mountian Lion Hunt
Nov. - Feb. Town Hunt, $6,550.00 1 Hunter per 2 Guides/Houndsmen (Over the Counter Tag)
Are your fall hunting excursions all behind you, but you're not ready to call it quits? Are you looking for a unique, exhilarating hunt for an incredible quarry in remote, wild country? Then look no further than RCO for an exciting hunt, taking you into the wild back-country of Wyoming for the majestic, North American Mountain Lion! Known by many names, Cougar, Puma, Panther, Mountain Cat, whatever you prefer, this awesome beast will challenge even the most fit hunter as he pursues his quarry over hill and dale, rimrock and canyon, forests and field!
This is an excellent opportunity to experience a back-country hunt like no other, enjoying the thrill of the hunt, trailing seasoned, baying hounds in pursuit of trophy Mountain Lions with RCO’s very capable, experienced professional guides and hounds-men. All hunts are arranged with one hunter, per two professional guides/hounds-men. These awesome Wild Cats can vary in size from 120 to 180 pounds, with an average adult Tom weighing 140 to 150 pounds of solid muscle! Any weapon of your choice may be used to take your trophy lion, from archery gear to handguns or rifles. Beyond good old fashioned shoe leather, four wheel drive vehicles, UTV side-by-sides and/or snow machines, may be used to accomplish the hunt.
This is a five day hunt, to begin with your arrival the night before the first morning’s hunt, continuing thru dark on the 5th day, if needed. Our lion hunting guests provide their own meals and lodging in beautiful downtown Saratoga, Wyoming, where their hunting guides will meet them daily for departure to the field. Mountain Lion Licenses are sold “over the counter” at any WGFD license selling agent, for a fee of $373.00, plus a Wyoming Conservation Stamp for $12.50.