6 Day General Permit, Trophy Elk Hunts
Archery Sept. 16-21 or 24-29, $8,550.00, 2 on 1 guide (4 to 6 preference points)
Rifle Oct. 15-20 or 23-29, $8,550.00, 2 on 1 guide (4 to 6 preference points)
Our general permit, trophy elk hunts are conducted on several large, exclusive private ranch leases in south central Wyoming! Over 800 wild, free ranging elk, reside in our areas! For many years, we have managed our private ranch elk hunts with controlled minimum harvest restrictions, taking only good, mature bulls, solid 5x5’s and 6x6’s or better! With an average of 20 to 24 rifle hunters per year, we have maintained annual shooting opportunity rates of over 90 percent, with actual harvest success rates of 75 to 90% for over 25 years! Again, we do not boast success rates based on spikes and rag-horns, our success rates are based on good, mature bulls, 5x5’s and 6x6’s or better, often scoring from 275 to 300 Boone & Crockett points, with the occasional 325 to 350 monster bull taken as well! Due to numerous back-roads and jeep trails on our ranches, we can access the majority of the backcountry with 4x4 vehicles, not horses, generally making this a relatively easier style of elk hunt!
We have two camps to choose from for our general permit elk hunts. Our remote East camp is situated in the timbered foothills of the big mountains. Our classic, high-country elk camp includes a modern cook and dining cabin, shower facilities, porta-johns, and cozy two man bunk-houses with padded bunks, propane heaters, lanterns, clothes racks, night stands and wash basins! Our West camp is a beautiful, 4500 sq. foot, rustic log lodge, with all the modern conveniences of home! At either camp excellent all-you-can-eat, home-style meals are prepared and served by our full time, professional cooks! These are excellent elk hunts suitable for most any hunter, and licenses are easily drawn with or without preference points! Excellent camps combined with high success on great bulls, equals happy hunters! For an added bonus, trophy antelope may also be hunted in combination with our general permit elk hunts! For the traditional meat hunter, we offer highly successful and always fun, cow elk hunts, at affordable rates! Please feel free to ask for specific details about our camps, accommodations and hunt areas! Our General Licence Elk hunts require 3 to 5 preference points to draw.
6 Day Limited Quota, Trophy Elk Hunts
Archery Sept. 1-30, $10,950.00, 1 on 1 guide (12 to 14 preference points)
Rifle Oct. 15 - Nov. 20, $10,950.00, 1 on 1 guide (12 to 14 preference points)
Our limited quota, “Area 7”, trophy elk hunts take place on large private ranches, located in the rugged high-country of central Wyoming. For many years, these tremendous areas have continued to produce outstanding opportunities for exceptional trophy bulls, from healthy, free ranging herds! No high fences here! These are very exclusive private ranch hunts, limited to a maximum of six hunters per year! The remote, rugged mountains of these ranches provide superb habitat and a safe haven, allowing many genetically superior bulls to reach their full potential at maturity! Again, we can access the majority of the country by 4x4 vehicles then spot-and-stalk from there, making it possible to cover many miles of rough country each day, in search of the bull elk of your dreams! Horses may be used on some hunts as well.
These areas have produced numerous trophy bulls, 6x6’s and better, typically scoring from 300 to 325 Boone & Crockett points! Furthermore, with a little luck, there are very realistic possibilities of harvesting monster bulls in the 350 to 380 B&C class or better! Our hunter’s harvest success on these exceptional limited entry elk hunts has averaged 90 to 95%, over the past 20 years! Accommodations vary from comfortable cabins or deluxe tent camps, to convenient local motels near the ranches to be hunted. This is an awesome hunt, rifle or archery, perfect for the serious hunter wishing to have a truly legitimate chance to experience a memorable, successful, free ranging trophy elk hunt in Wyoming’s high-country!
Most of the top limited quota elk licenses in Wyoming require from 12 to 14 preference points or more to consistently draw, so it’s never too early or too late to start planning your ultimate elk hunt! Give us a call, we would be happy to help you plan and manage your preference points for future hunts in Big Wyoming! Please ask us for the details about preference points, general licenses and other limited entry elk hunting opportunities!